Open Water Diver  Learn to Scuba Dive at home!

During your Open Water Scuba Diver class, you will learn about modern dive equipment,

diving sciences, responsible diving practices and the environment.

 Diving skills will be taught and practiced first in the comfort and convenience

of confined water.  (in Alaska that means the pool- Standards say:

“Pool like conditions with respect to Clarity & Turbidity )

 This will help you build confidence in your new abilities before

 making your checkout dives in open water.   

We certify our students in drysuits.

  Only want to dive in warm tropical water? 

Referral checkout dives are an option.

   Total time commitment:  5-7 hours of elearning on your schedule

    3 weeks – 1night per week/class, 2 weekend mornings/pool & 2 Ocean Days! 

    Prerequisites: Able to swim; medically fit for diving

    Minimum age: 12 years or older

Stop by the Shop for more information, We do not engage pen pals, we’d rather be diving 🙂 ! 


Open Water Diver